Saturday, January 06, 2007

Color Wonderful

Ms. New Beauty has had an on-again/off-again relationship with lipstick for a while. In high school, she was madly in love with a warm bronzy color by M.A.C. called Cult. The shade has been discontinued, but when it was out, MNB had her system of application down pat. She lined her lips with a chestnut lip liner and then filled in only the top lip with Cult. She finished the whole look with a top coat of gold lip gloss and pressed those lips together. Sounds crazy now, but in the late 90's, it was very in, very Mary J. Blige from Not Gon' Cry.

Then, in college, high shine lip gloss had a Ms. New Beauty moment. She was so in love with Lancome Juicy Tubes in every color. There was just something about that sticky, goopy, shiny gloss that sent MNB's heart all aflutter. But that moment passed too, and since that time Ms. New Beauty has been content with the natural color and shine she gets from Rosebud Salve, only putting on a very sheer lip gloss on special occasion. Life was set to continue on like this, with lips taking a backseat to the rest of her face, until now. A new lipstick has Ms. New Beauty ready to jump back in with a color that's custom made and perfect for her.

Shu Uemura Rouge Unlimited

This lipstick comes in a range of almost 50 shades and is made with technology designed to lock in moisture for up to 8 hours. The packaging is also very cool. It gives it a Matrix-like futuristic appeal that I love. Very on time considering what went down quite a few of the spring runways. This will look great for those times when you have to touch up in public. Fabulous packaging is one of my favorite parts of cosmetics.

But, I know you're probably thinking - "yada yada yada, all lipsticks say they do the same thing, what's so special about this?" Well, here's what sets Rouge Unlimited apart. In addition to the 42 traditional colors the line offers, it also includes 6 artist colors - white, blue, yellow, green, black and purple - that can be used to customize any of the lip colors. The red you chose is a little too bright? Tone it down with the blue. Coral not warm enough? Use the yellow to add golden tones. That pink is coming off ashy on you? Darken it up with the black. The possibilities are endless and because the regular lip colors are designed to be layered and blended, you can completely customize your lipstick and tweak any other shades you have so they are perfect for you. The artist colors alone are a wise investment by themselves because you can use them to adjust any lipstick you have. Playing with this is more fun than the 64 color Crayola crayon box with the built in sharpener.

Mix the colors, have a perfect pout, and don't forget that Ms. New Beauty told you!


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